Thank You Don for all Your efforts for bring the truth about the TRUTH®!
TJ Curioso
JoinedPosts by TJ Curioso
Thank You From Captives of a Concept
by Cameron_Don ini wanted to thank so many who have taken the time and effort to read and recommend captives of a concept over the past decade.. for those who have not seen it, there is an interview on youtube that may have helped some witnesses begin the process of getting the sense of the way the watchtower religion actually works....
don cameron.
Bad month for the Borg this October!
by Crazyguy inthe month started of quietly then all of a sudden news his the uk about a former jw elder who molested and raped woman and girls.
then just after as the dust started to settle news out of dallas texas where a complaint was filed alleging elders and a circuit overseer molested and abused six or more victim's.
before this news even had a chance to resinate threw the ears of those hearing it another complaint was filed in the state of connecticut of four more alleged victims.
TJ Curioso
Jesus must be very happy that the religion that he chooses in 1919 have so great news about her...
Marilyn Penton passes
by designs ini saw in the periodical the new creation that jim penton's family lost marilyn, ontario canada, july 23rd, 2014.. jim has written some excellent authoritative works on the history of the watchtower.. condolences.
TJ Curioso
My condolences...
Jehovah's Witnesses are the only people who don't practice war and who preach worldwide!
by EndofMysteries inthis is what somebody has been telling me, trying to convince me aside from anything one can say or cause reason for doubt, as the evidence that they are the true religion and true people of god.
they are convinced because while 'all other' christian and other religions support war, troops, etc, jw's don't and they are the only one's who carry god's name and preach.
nothing else matters.
TJ Curioso
This article can be a great a great help to respond to that kind of talking:
How can you find the true religion?
New Leaflet to give to JW about TTATT
by TJ Curioso inhi to all my fellows "apostates" in all world... especially in e.u.a.
and uk.. as some of you already know, ex-jw in portugal created a leaflet especialy to send to jw in all the country (individualy or to congregations).
we must say that it was a sucess from the point of view of the impact originated.
TJ Curioso
Don't forget to use this... ;)
The Art of Hypocrisy - How Jehovah's Witnesses worship a symbol
by BluePill2 init has been a while since i've seen a witness, either in person or virtually.
searching for someone on facebook took me to the profile of a ministerial servant that i know.
i scrolled through his wall to see who is still around and found this gem:.
TJ Curioso
BluePill2 Do You know about the portuguese forum of ex-JW?
TJ Curioso
More news about this here:
The Art of Hypocrisy - How Jehovah's Witnesses worship a symbol
by BluePill2 init has been a while since i've seen a witness, either in person or virtually.
searching for someone on facebook took me to the profile of a ministerial servant that i know.
i scrolled through his wall to see who is still around and found this gem:.
TJ Curioso
BluePill2 You are portuguese? ;)
TJ Curioso
What is AGM?
jehovahswitnessesexperts website
by love2Bworldly inare most people aware of this website?
they have a video that is pretty interesting.
it was too long though and i didn't have time to listen to the whole thing.
TJ Curioso
Very interesting indeed!